Offer your captive customers the best wifi, and make them aware of your latest offers

Grow your client base

Once word gets round that you offer free WiFi, you’re customer base will grow organically. Use our ‘FREE WiFi’ Logo on your advertising and see your bookings increase

Sell to your customers

As your customers login show them either a static or video advert before they get onto the Internet. Show them special offers, upcoming products, launch events – promote your products.

3rd Party ads

You can also sell advertising space to 3rd party advertisers. Sell ad space to a supplier – turn your WiFi from a cost centre to a profit centre.

Social Login

Your customer logging in to WiFi via their social media account is a quick and simple way for you to collect emails and your users names, it’s easy to use that data for marketing campaigns.



Email marketing campaigns enable you to send information and promotional emails to your customers.

Those campaigns can be sent when necessary, if you want to inform your users about special activities, or automatically according to a pre-defined schedule which could include initial connection, inactivity or on a users’ birthday.

Wigglewifi integrated newsletter editor enables you to insert images, text, links and other features, assists you prepare the emails. The campaigns can be sent to your target customers immediately, or at a specified delivery time.



Your WiFi network is a perfect channel to gather the opinions of your customers.

Gather valuable information about your customers, which can be used for marketing purposes and to improve the quality of your services.

Surveys can be displayed on the initial login page, or sent in an email after a pre-defined time interval.

All the data are instantly available and are provided to you as legible analytics, without any paperwork.