Welcome Page

Redirect users to a customised Welcome page after login and greet them with a welcome message, show additional info on the Welcome page or set multiple video and image ads.

After login to your WiFi network, your guest will see a Welcome page where you can easily set different actions, such as agree to GDPR/POPIA privacy, Terms & Conditions.

Write a welcome message to your visitors, and optionally ask them to like or share your page.

Guest Wifi Features Customised Welcome page

Great WiFi Features

From R250/month

Show additional info on the Welcome page after login
Multiple ads rotating after login for each user
Facebook Like, Facebook Share & Check-in
Enable User profile where customers can see personal data, in accordance with GDPR
Delayed redirect to desired URL with countdown
Enable App download
Welcome page aniimation

Enable Ads (Marketing Campaigns)

Show multiple video or image ad defined in Marketing Campaigns.

Visitors will have to play video before connecting to WiFi or wait defined time while image is displayed.

When multiple campaigns are created, videos and images will rotate each time welcome page is displayed.


When a visitor lands on the welcome page, enable redirect countdown delay to force visitor pay attention to the page content before connecting to WiFi.

Select User Profile, Original URL or URL to redirect users after login.

Enable Automatically login and visitor will get WiFi access after the countdown. If disabled, a visitor needs to click the button to connect.