Web Filtering

Block inappropriate content when your customers are surfing the web

Great WiFi Features

From R250/month

Control smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers
Customize Splash pages for WiFi locations
Social login: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google
Manage download and upload, bandwidth quota
Real-time statistics and detailed reports
Collect customer data for marketing
Collect customer satisfaction surveys
Create users with custom Internet plans
PMS integration for Opera, Suite8, IDS, Medallion, Protel ( add-on)
WiFi Video Ads
Autologin users to increase ease of use
Hardware: Routers with Radius support
web filtering

Web Filtering

Protect your business by blocking access to adult, hacked, malicious and other kinds of inappropriate websites.

Available as an additional paid service, our DNS Web Filter helps you provide first-line protection and controls what content your users can view.

Blocked content will show a “Site can’t be reached’ page, discouraging further activity.

Wigglewifi content filtering helps you to enforce acceptable Web use to comply with internal policies or external regulations.

DNS Server with Filtering

DNS Server with Web Content Filtering easily blocks unwanted websites from being accessed on your WiFi.

The blocked sites are constantly updated. Blocked sites include malware infected, hate speech, adult content. illegal content streaming etc.

Our DNS Web Filter is the easiest way to implement filtering engine and protect guests and children from adult content on the Internet.

DNS Server filtering